Assisted Assembly for Manufacturing Processes

What the Industry Needs

In complex or critical manufacturing processes, it is essential to know at any time and for the duration of the assembly process, the position of each part in relation to the others.

What the Industry Needs
What the Industry Needs

Advantages of the HandyPROBE Solution

The HandyPROBE technology allows simultaneous three-dimensional position measurements of about a hundred reflectors and re-assesses those positions thirty times per second. From the positions of three reflectors arranged on a single part, it is possible to recover the six parameters of the part's position and orientation of the part.

With such information, it is possible to determine the relative position of one or many parts in relation to a reference part. Then, it is also possible to automatically trigger alarms if a maximum tolerance is reached. If necessary, the HandyPROBE CMM machine can be interfaced with the control command of a robot or a robotized assembly system, thereby accurately correcting the trajectory in real time.

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