Tips & Tricks

Pipecheck - Manually Assign Corroded Areas

Pipecheck - Manually Assign Corroded Areas

Since the last release of Pipecheck (Version 3.1), it is now possible to manually define a feature’s area in order to generate a specific analysis for the latter.

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VXinspect - New CAD Module

VXinspect - New CAD Module

In VXelements 4.0 SR2, a new CAD module has been implemented. This module includes new CAD tessellation options and basic healing operations.

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Color maps in VXinspect

There are different ways to create data color maps, but depending on which tool is used, the information given by those color maps can be totally different.

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Scanning Using Powder

Scanning Using Powder

When scanning parts, good visibility of the laser lines or the white light pattern on the part is key for successful data acquisition. This aspect of the scan is greatly influenced by the color of the part and material type.

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VXelements – Boundaries Parameters

VXelements features specific algorithms to process data on boundaries. Two parameters can be modified in order to change VXelements behavior when processing this data. They can be accessed by clicking on Scan node in the Project Tree.

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Assess axial bent on pipe using the Mechanical Damage module

Assess axial bent on pipe using the Mechanical Damage module

When using the corrosion module, the pit gauge dimensions and Min/Max number of extensions are critical if the pipe has an axial bent. Therefore, the user wants to use a short pit-gauge if the pipe section is bent.

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How to Constrain Entities in VXmodel

How to Constrain Entities in VXmodel

When using VXmodel, it is now possible to constraint entities such as cylinders, planes, cones and spheres. When creating an entity, the revamped expanding panel features constraint options and new parameters. This allows using these entities directly in a CAD software afterwards.

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Manual Alignment

When Pipecheck cannot process a Manual Alignment on the scan data, it will ask the user to proceed with a Manual alignment. Here are some tips that will help aligning the grid on the pipe.

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Intelligent Hybrid Positioning – Even smarter!

As you may know, the Go!SCAN 3D can generate the complete 3D surface of an object without using a single positioning target (marker). A white light pattern is projected onto the object, and two cameras record the distortion of the pattern on the part over the entire light pattern. The geometry information is then used to build the surface in real-time.

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Importance of a rigid part

The HandyPROBE is designed to make inspection easier by allowing the C-Track or the part to move during the inspection. Even while this is true, one specific thing should be avoided: parts should not be deformed during the inspection.

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