3D 测量解决方案和服务资源中心

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通过 Creaform 的最新网络研讨会深入探索计量和 3D 扫描世界,这将有助于您应对任何 3D 测量挑战。


探索我们的客户如何使用 3D 扫描解决方案来优化他们的制造和质量控制流程,最大限度地提高生产力,并增加利润。

Creaform 形创三维扫描仪帮助福特修复密歇根中央车站

The history of the iconic Michigan Central Station reminds us of the story of Detroit. The rail station, first opened in 1913, once symbolized the city’s effervescence with its grand lobby’s never-ending symphony of train arrivals and departures. Starting in the 60s, however, its activities began to decline and the station closed permanently in the late 80s.


Leading global transport solutions provider reduces its inspection times with the Creaform 3D scanner

SFM 公司通过三维扫描改进其提供给客户的报告和变压器油箱的质量控制

Latvian company SFM, the world’s largest provider of transformer tanks, has been using Creaform MetraSCAN BLACK 3D scanner with VXelements software for 2 years, to provide high-quality 3D measurement reports for its products.


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