Accuracy and versatility in the energy sector through portable 3D scanning
From hydropower plants to wind turbines and from nuclear power plants to pipelines, the energy sector encompasses a wide variety of industries that all share the desire to maximize the useful life of their assets, and to increase performance and efficiency, while reducing downtime. But to make better decision, faster, obtaining precise knowledge of critical components condition is key.
In this live, “Ask an Expert” webinar, Simon Côté, Product Manager at Creaform, accompanied by Daniel Zimmermann, Strategic Account Manager DACH at Creaform and Mark Maizonnasse, NDT Business Development Manager at Creaform, will discuss the many applications of 3D scanning technologies in all stages of product lifecycle management (PLM). An interview with ANDRITZ Hydro GmbH will also showcase how the addition of 3D scanners to their metrology equipment has taken them to a new level.
This presentation will focus on:
- How 3D scanning offers a versatility that can be applied to a variety of assets, such as rail cars, beams, flat plates, pipes, etc.
- How portability and rapid field deployment enable companies to tackle challenging environments, complex geometry and short timelines.
- How the increase in speed and user independence provides a quick return on investment.
Simon Côté
Product Manager
Mark Maizonnasse
NDT Business Development Manager
Daniel Zimmermann
Strategic Accounts Manager
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