Probe Measurement

Probe MeasurementOur probe measurement training sessions are designed to teach every step in the parts inspection and quality control process, regardless of part size and complexity. Our team of trainers will guide you through all the steps so that you’re able to take measurements and process data, regardless of the application.

Hands-on sessions are included to ensure that training is adapted to your application and to rapidly identify participants’ strengths and areas needing improvement. Our trainers will also help you boost work efficiency and quality.


  • Measuring equipment operating principles
  • Probe data acquisition techniques and measurement
  • Measurement processing and measurement analysis reports


HandyPROBE Portable Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)

This course teaches participants how to take three-dimensional measurements using the HandyPROBE portable CMM. TRUaccuracy technology is used to train participants in real shop-floor conditions.


  • Start up the system
  • Calibrate the system
  • Understand the technological principles
  • Optimize application-specific operations
  • Generate an optimal positioning model
  • Understand probe data acquisition techniques and concepts in order to take reliable measurements
MaxSHOT 3D Optical Coordinate Measuring System

This course teaches participants how to use the MaxSHOT 3D photogrammetric camera in combination with the HandyPROBE portable CMM in order to benefit from the accuracy and speed obtained with photogrammetry, especially on large parts.


  • Start up the system
  • Understand the principles of photogrammetry
  • Operate the camera efficiently
  • Generate an optimal positioning model
  • Understand acquisition techniques in order to take reliable photos
  • Optimize results using VXelements software
C-Link Functionality

This course teaches participants how to use the C-Link connecting kit (hardware and software) with 2, 3, or 4 C-Track dual camera sensors as well as a MaxSHOT 3D system.


  • Connect and start up the systems
  • Understand the technological principles
  • Optimize application-specific operations
  • Understand the hardware and software features
VXtrack Dynamic Tracking

This course teaches participants how to conduct dynamic tracking using a C-Track dual-camera sensor. It covers simultaneous and continuous measurement of an object’s position and orientation in space. It also covers dynamic tracking of object movements with respect to a referential or to another object.


  • Understand the basic principles of dynamic tracking
  • Perform operations efficiently
  • Generate an optimal positioning model
  • Perform dynamic tracking of multiple models in real time
  • Analyze the acquired data
Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)

This course teaches participants how to take three-dimensional measurements using a conventional CMM or a portable articulated arm CMM.


  • Start up the system
  • Calibrate and configure the system
  • Perform operations efficiently
  • Understand probe data acquisition techniques and concepts in order to take reliable measurements
Data Analysis and Processing

This course teaches participants how to process and analyze probe data using metrology software.


  • Become familiar with the user interface
  • Create geometric entities and an inspection program
  • Make proper use of the software measuring tools
  • Perform various types of alignment
  • Monitor geometric tolerancing
  • Produce inspection reports

Software taught

  • PolyWorks Inspector
  • Geomagic Control
  • Geomagic Verify
  • PowerInspect
  • Metrolog X4