Creaform in the news

December 3, 2006

Levis, Canada, December 4, 2006 - Creaform arouses the attention of TV media with its performances and international success. After winning several prizes in the Québec province and in Canada, Creaform makes the news. First with TVA, then with a live broadcast interview on LCN Money Channel (Canal Argent), to finish with the evening news on Radio-Canada, Creaform is getting the attention of all the media. Part of this attention is inevitably due to the Handyscan 3D, the first self-position hand-held 3D laser scanner. The increasing international performances forecast an even better year 2007 for the company.

TVA quicktime video

Money Channel, LCN. Live broadcast interview with Mr. François Gagnon, Montreal December 4, 2006.

Radio-Canada, Quebec, December 4, 2006.

Source: Corinne Copreni
Marketing Coordinator / Communications
Tel : +1 418 830 0193 # 228